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A member registered Feb 14, 2021

Recent community posts

I will also start editing it

(1 edit)

your already a judge and the jam ended so I started a jam Called racing jam 69 you can advertise it but quick it might have started

yes you can

Thx and also stay safe

But only 1 joined and he Also asked to be a judge so if  he acts as judge and not creator than you won't be able to judge because nobody will be in it


so you are going to participate in the jam or vote in It? 

I thought you would act as a judge but you can be participating in the jam

if that doesn't work then this will

here is the link


to my Jam? 

your welcome I added you as host also can you ask your friends to Join? 

OK I created a new jam called game jam69 and will add you as a judge

Well submission s are about to end so I will make a new one

but no one joined

Thank you but unfortunately I tried GDevlop but it failed thanks for the suggestion. 

in which way will you help me

I would create any kind of game and thank you very much

(2 edits)

Does twine work on android 4.2.2 and thank you

(1 edit)

does construct 3 work on android 4.2.2 and is it free? Also thank you for replying

OK I will check it and find a engine. Thx 

its fine. Thx for telling me

nice I might use these on my game one day Community » General » Game Jams · Created a new topic racing jam99
(1 edit)

this is one of two jams starting soon but nobody joined. So anybody in the mood of joining a game jam you can check it out I also have another game jam called game jam so if you are interested in joinin a game jam definitely check it out.

so I am an android user of samsung galaxy tab 3 lite version 4.2.2 and I want the engine to be free and no coding required. But I can't find it so do you have a suggestion? Please I really want to game create.Let me know if I need to buy a new device for that.  bye I will be waiting for my answer.